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Double Radiz Lucas Entertainment

Double Radiz Lucas Entertainment

Edji Da Silva brought his real-life boyfriend Braulio Doran along to the Lucas Entertainment set. Edji is a hot Frenchman with rugged Middle Eastern good looks, and Braulio is a tall and lean Latino who is horse-hung between the legs -- his uncut cock is huge and mouthwatering. There's only one issue in their relationship -- both guys prefer to top. There's some behind-the-scenes footage of Edji getting his man, Doran, ready for the set by dropping to his knees and giving him a deep-throating blowjob. But the production team wanted to help them both out, so they teamed Edji Da Silva and Braulio Doran up with Jackson Radiz, who is one hell of a bottom-taker ready to submit to these two! Original title: Edji Da Silva and Braulio Doran Double-Team Jackson Radiz. Featuring Edji Da Silva, Braulio Doran, Jackson Radiz. From the film: Top Tier Sodomy. Original release date: September 14th, 2020.
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