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Back from College Masqulin

Back from College Masqulin

Thanksgiving has always been a very special time for Aiden Jacobs. Ever since he was little, he's never missed his friend Gabriel Clark's family Thanksgiving, and he wouldn't miss it for the world. This year, he brought home a college buddy, Benjamin Blue, to meet his second family. After all, nobody should be alone on Thanksgiving. College is for experimenting, and when Aiden introduces his college fuckbuddy to meet his original fuckbuddy he could tell they would get along from the moment they laid eyes on each other. After all, Benjamin sucks a mean cock, and the holiday is all about sharing. Gabriel soon finds out for himself, as he gets his cock sucked, and has two gorgeous boys to play with! There's nothing like rekindling old flames for the holidays, especially when it leaves Aiden covered in double buddy cum! Featuring Aiden Jacobs, Benjamin Blue, Gabriel Clark.
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  Title: Back from College Masqulin

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