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Cherry Fuck Lucas Entertainment

Cherry Fuck Lucas Entertainment

The roster of "Auditions 14: Kosta Viking is shaping up to be one of the handsomest collaborations of men to ever star on Lucas Entertainment. Here we see the introduction of Charlie Cherry (who originally performed for the studio a few years ago as Philip Zyos. Charlie was one of the best looking guys to take off his clothes and fuck on camera then, and he still is today. Charlie Cherry is classically handsome, with a beautiful body with tight muscles. But it is his huge, fat uncut cock that is what everyone truly wants. It is almost 10 inches long and nearly as fat as a can. Charlie also has a fetish for fucking tops in the ass, as it's a sign of true submission to his huge cock. The sexy and hung Rodrigo Amor is a top, too, but when he met Charlie Cherry he was quickly seduced and agreed to be a total bottom for him in this particular encounter. It takes some time for Rodrigo to loosen up, but when he does he surrenders himself to the huge fat cock of Charlie Cherry! Original title: Charlie Cherry Fucks Rodrigo Amor Up The Ass. Featuring Philip Zyos (aka Charlie Cherry), Rodrigo Amor. From the film: Auditions 14: Kosta Viking. Original release date: September 3rd, 2021.
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