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With Oil Gay Massage Table

With Oil Gay Massage Table

Dominik Black is on his back with Desmond Cooper ready to rub down his entire body. He takes his job very seriously and makes sure to coat every inch of it with oil. He rubs down his chest and shoulders and even takes time to work his fingers. Then he moves down and gives him a nice, long foot massage. Then it's time to give him the happy ending that he really came for. He grabs onto his stiff cock and starts stroking it as fast as he can. He doesn't even stop as it's about to shoot all over his fingers. He tells him to get up onto his knees so he can properly work his throbbing muscle. He takes a little break to rub his aching soles then lets his hand make its way to his hanging dick. He milks it like a teat while his friend can do nothing but moan in pleasure. Then he gets onto his back to finish things up for himself. He can get jerked off as much as he wants, but he has to be the one to make himself cum. He jerks off on the massage table until his hot load shoots out all over his stomach. Featuring Dominik Black, Desmond Cooper.
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