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Intense Toe Sucking Guys

Intense Toe Sucking Guys

In a previous clip we saw Cameron give Justin some intense pleasure and now it is Cameron's turn. Lucky for this beefcake Justin is a serious foot lover and can't wait to wrap his lips around Cameron's big toes. As Cameron begins stroking his own big dick Justin lifts Cameron's feet slightly, giving him easier access to the hunk's bare soles. He takes his time, running his tongue sensually up and down and all over every inch of Cameron's smooth feet. With obvious pleasure he slides Cameron's long toes in and out of his mouth, sucking them expertly as Cameron moans with pleasure. Much to Cameron's pleasure Justin slides his bare feet down to Cameron's dick and wraps them around his buddy's hard shaft, stroking him over and over with his big strong feet. Of course Cameron's toes are the only thing that Justin wants to have in his mouth and soon he is traveling down to Cameron's long rod, eagerly wrapping his wet mouth around it and going up and down. Finally Cameron can take it no more and he is ready to shoot his big load. Justin leans back so Cameron can straddle him, reaching his strong hand up to Cameron's big cock and sliding it back and forth. Soon the stroking becomes more and more intense and Cameron spurts sticky cum all over Josh's cute face. Featuring Cameron Kincade, James Hawk.
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