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Jackson and Manny Sean Cody

Jackson and Manny Sean Cody

Ripped Manny and chiseled Jackson spent the day outdoors soaking up some sun before cooling down in their shared hammock. These two couldn't keep their hands off of each other! "I'm definitely ready," says brown-haired Jackson. "Yeah, I'm ready for some dick," replies adorable Manny. They couldn't wait to get indoors, so they started the party outside with a heavy make out session. "You wanna blow me on the tree?" asks Jackson, while stroking his already erect cock. "Oh, fuck yeah," answers Manny. He gets a little taste before bending over for a doggy-style quickie. "This is the appetizer!" exclaims Manny. They share another kiss, and head back to their room for the main course. Featuring Jackson, Manny. Original release date: October 27th, 2018.
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