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Hagan ChaosMen

Hagan ChaosMen

Hagan is of mixed heritage, making it hard for me to pick which race to categorize him as in the Search area. He seems to have gotten the best of all genetics. He's a big dude. 6'4" and all muscle and also all cock. His dick is huge. Hagan is a quiet guy, not only during the solo, but just in general. But I have a feeling when he is with his buds, he does like to party, and I got the more reserved version. Hagan says he wants to do guy-on-guy work, and I am for sure not passing up the opportunity to Service him. The entire time he jacked-off I was thinking his technique was just my style, and how easy it would be to get him off! Featuring Hagan. Original release date: October 12th, 2009.
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