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Earl ChaosMen

Earl ChaosMen

I do get a fair amount of requests for more mature guys, and I do try. But as I have always said, guys in that age bracket tend to be more financially stable or concerned about careers, and just less likely to get into porn. They are set on their Path. Whereas the younger guys tend to throw caution to the wind, and their culture seems more open about being filmed so intimately and publicly. So I was real happy to have Earl come in to do a solo. He is a bit nervous but his cock never falters and he shows it off quite nicely, with a little a direction from me. His tattoos are kind of funny but his body is great. Earl has slimmed down about 10 pounds to do this shoot. It was his motivating factor for doing the video for you! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this blond, mature guy! I can't believe I am counting 30 as Mature! Featuring Earl. Original release date: August 9th, 2010.
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