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Four School Lads Staxus

Four School Lads Staxus

Life in a school dormitory has its drawbacks the lack of privacy being the most obvious but it can also provide the perfect backdrop for the kind of group shenanigans that we've all almost certainly fantasised about. Not that either Aaron Aurora or Kurt Maddox seem particularly overjoyed at the start of the scene when their sleep is disturbed by the drunken return of best buddies, David Hanson and Oscar Roberts. But their annoyance is decidedly short-lived and with very good reason. For not only are Hanson and Roberts very much the worse for drink, but they're both feeling as horny as fuck, and within a few minutes they've firmly roused Aurora and Maddox from their beds in order to pair off for a frantic suck-fest. Of course with all that meaty, uncut dick on show it's a turn of events that will surprise no-one, but it you think that's gonna be the limit of the action then prepare to be blown away. Hanson, in particular, clearly can't wait to push the boundaries, and having been paired up with Aurora is soon riding cock like his life depended on it, whilst Roberts pounds away at Maddox's ass-hole on the other bed. A few minutes later and roles are switched, with Maddox now screwing Aurora and Hanson pummeling Roberts. The crescendo, however, doesn't materialise until all four boys are engaged in a terrific chain-fuck Roberts fucking Aurora fucking Maddox fucking Hanson! A set-piece that's only trumped by the concluding sight of Aurora's cute little face getting splattered with copious quantities of jizz courtesy of his three fit mates! Original Title: Nocturnal emissions all round as four horny school boys suck and fuck all night long!
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