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Logan Sparks ChaosMen

Logan Sparks ChaosMen

Logan is a local guy, who used to be a professional stripper. At 32 (almost 33) I have to count him in the "mature" category, though he barely looks 26 or 27. Nicely muscled with a giant cock on him too, he gets off when anyone gets aroused by him. He has modeled before, so it was super fun to work with someone not so shy about disrobing in front of another dude. The solo runs a bit long as I knew he could wake his dick up in Real Time so you could see him go from soft hard in no time at all. He plays great to the camera and you can tell the dude was made for porn. After the shoot he said he might be down for oral or even getting fucked (!?) but no kissing. That was his limit. Although straight, he tells me he has some "large" toys he likes to play with, and if he is going to do it with a guy, he better be big and ripped. I guess if he is going to do it with a guy he has got to be elite. I said. "Whoa cowboy...why don't we try an Edge video and we can explore your fetish for large toys there?" So I think he will do it, and then maybe if he likes that, and I find just the right guy, he might try getting fucked. Featuring Logan Sparks. Original release date: June 1st, 2011.
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