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Brandon Jones and Marco Gagnon Flip Fuck Cocky Boys

Brandon Jones and Marco Gagnon Flip Fuck Cocky Boys

Brandon and Marco are good friends in Montreal, but that doesn't mean they don't love to fool around with each other. At first, Brandon seemed like the aggressor among the two -- he loved talking about how he and Marco first met and how much Marco wanted to be fucked. Marco, on the other hand, was the quiet and mysterious one, smiling shyly when Brandon talked about nailing him for the first time. Brandon only likes to be the top for special guys, and he was definitely eager to give Marco another good pounding. After sucking each other's thick cocks, Brandon began to gently fuck Marco in every way imaginable. And every time Brandon slid it in, Marco's moans just kept getting louder until he couldn't take it anymore. Literally! Marco needed to give Brandon's ass a hard drilling as well, and Brandon more than willingly fulfilled that wish. It's difficult to tell who's the better top or bottom in this hot scene, but surprising Brandon with the fuck of his life is what sent Marco over the edge!
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