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Buddies Casting Tex Next Door Casting

Buddies Casting Tex Next Door Casting

Tex is an affable, easy going guy, straight out the Lone Star State and express delivered to Markie More who awaits him on the casting couch. One look and you'll find yourself definitely wanting to mess with Tex, as Markie strips him down and shows off his beefy ass, his lush lips and his eager demeanor. Tex is willing to please and able to deliver, as he wraps his mouth around Markie's nice cock, gagging up and down on the slobbery pole, before the guys switch, and Tex watches a man go down on him for the first time in is life, on camera or off. After that, Tex is ready for Markie's hot rod, bending over as Markie explores, pushing Tex's limits, pounding his hole as Tex realizes the submissive pleasure of being fucked hard. He rolls over and loses his load before Markie drenches his face with a healthy load of his own, earning Tex all the audition points on the board. But is it enough to bring him back for more? You decide! Featuring Markie More, Tex D.
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