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Top Affair Part 3 Extra Big Dicks

Top Affair Part 3 Extra Big Dicks

Mario and Tommy have both realized that they fucked the same guy in the same week. They agree to set Braxton up with a text message from Tommy saying he'll come over but Braxton won't know about Mario coming along until it's too late. Tommy sends the text out and they head over to Braxton's. Braxton answers the door and immediately sees both of them and tries to shut the door but Tommy pushes it open and they both charge in and pull their cocks out and Braxton goes down on his knees to suck both of the massive cocks staring at him in the face. Braxton goes from cock to cock and even puts both of them in his mouth but not far long as Tommy pulls him up onto the bed spreads his legs and watches Braxton twerk his big round ass. Tommy gets first dibs on breaking in that tight hole. Braxton has Mario's thick uncut dick in his mouth as Tommy pushes deep inside that ass. Mario is standing above them watching his cock get slobbered on as Tommy pounds away. Not wanting to hog all the fun Mario gets a turn at that rumptious ass as Tommy plays with his nipples and Braxton enjoys his cock going in and out of his mouth. They fuck Braxton is a couple positions and finish off by covering his chest in cum as it slowly drips down and they all plan another hot three-way. Featuring Mario Costa, Tommy Defendi, Braxton Smith.
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