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Angel and Cody Cocky Boys

Angel and Cody Cocky Boys

Cody Seiya has a Montreal Pride experience to remember thanks Angel Elias who accompanies him during the festivities and then takes him home for a post-pride fucking! Inside they're all over each other, passionately making out in bed, and getting naked, and brazenly going at it right next to the open windows. Cody is especially wild about Angel's big dick, sucking him as deep as he can and craving to have it inside him. Angel grants Cody's wish and gives his hole a vivid introduction to his cock and, as he fucks him every which way, Angel sees Cody can take it. In fact, Cody wants to ride Angel and virtually leaps into action, bouncing on his cock. While Angel enjoys letting Cody be in control, he takes it back and flips over Cody, pounding him and playing with his hole as he does and really working up a sweat. Cody likes how he's being fucked hard but he also likes the intimacy, so they shift positions slightly so Angel can kiss him while topping him. Finally, Angel goes over the edge and cums and after Cody has Angel slide his cock back in, he too shoots his load seconds later. Angel can't stop fucking Cody's hole and it's easy to see Cody is just fine with that. Featuring Angel Elias, Cody Seiya.
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