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Fraser Jacs and Ricky Tudor Extended World of Men

Fraser Jacs and Ricky Tudor Extended World of Men

The end of the day is always the best part it, and working in a sauna is no different. Host Fraser still has the horn and it's easy to see why with the perfectly defined French lad Ricky waiting around. Smooth chest, perfect pecs and abs you just want to lick (not to mention is big solid dick) he's an ideal guy to end the working day on, and Fraser jumps to it, working his shaft down his throat. Moving to his smooth ass, he gets it slick with spit, eating out what must be the tastiest hole in this movie before it's all change and Fraser is bent double taking Ricky all the way! This slim young man looks like a bottom, but fucks like a pro-top, fucking Fraser into the sofa, pinning his legs apart to gain maximum depth, both faces obviously loving this final fuck. Video Title: Fraser Jacs and Ricky Tudor
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  Title: Fraser Jacs and Ricky Tudor Extended World of Men

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