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Milo and David with Fraser Extended Bulldog Pit

Milo and David with Fraser Extended Bulldog Pit

Fit chav David gets a call from big man Fraser and his latest fucktoy Milo, asking if they can stop by, which leads to a hardcore threeway that has all three lads sucking and fucking like crazy! With his lean, muscled body and buzz cut, David is a definite scally sex fiend and dark Latino Milo has a perfectly round, smooth ass with not a single hair on it, that is just screaming out to be fucked hard and stretched out wide, which Fraser and David are more than happy to do! With some great flip flopping, rimming, sucking and hard, sweaty fucking, this is a scene that can't be missed! Video Title: Fraser Jacs, David O'Connor (David OConnor) and Milo Milano
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  Title: Milo and David with Fraser Extended Bulldog Pit

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