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Damian Boss and Leo Domenico Extended Alpha Male Fuckers

Damian Boss and Leo Domenico Extended Alpha Male Fuckers

Trojan is starting to get angry and exasperated. He calls Damian Boss and finally he finds somebody willing to speak to him. Damian is relaxing in bed with young hunk Leo Domenico. Damian has only worked with Spencer a couple of times and isn't much help to Trojan. Trojan calls him in for Monday morning, Damian goes back to enjoying the rest of his weekend with Leo and is planning on getting as much of Leo as possible. They take turn in tasting each other's hard cocks and Damian works up Leo's butt hole with both his tongue and his fingers until he fucks Leo doggy style first and then lets the Greek hunk sit on his cock until he fucks the cum out of him getting his chest covered in hot spunk and exploding over Leo's ass cheeks. Video Title: Damian Boss *****(aka Janusz Gol)***** and Leo Domenico
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  Title: Damian Boss and Leo Domenico Extended Alpha Male Fuckers

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