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Jake Bolton Extended Bulldog Pit

Jake Bolton Extended Bulldog Pit

Ashley Ryder is back and playing his twisted games again. Jake is in the locker room of the gym getting undressed from a long solo work out. The door locks. Suddenly aware that something is not right, he shouts out for whoever has locked it thinking that they might not realised that he is in there. But this is all a set up. A distorted voice comes over a loud speaker and Jake's fear of something more sinister becomes a reality. Being told he is being filmed and watched at all times by his overseer he is told that the only way the door will be opened is to play the game. Agreeing to his fate, he is shown where a key is hidden and realising that it opens a locker he opens it and the game becomes completely real. Three big dildos and the only way to release that door is to lube up each one and stretch his tight man cunt over each one. The first one is easy but they get harder and harder and as the sweat of his endurance starts to bead on his forehead and chest he rips open his hole until he is bouncing up and down on each toy. His man hole rolling back and forward over the ridges and bumps that the toys have to offer. This is one tough arsenal kit. When the final toy it's almost all the way in and he can take not more he shoots his load and creams over himself. The door is opened and he is free to go. Video Title: Jake Bolton
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  Title: Jake Bolton Extended Bulldog Pit

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