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Pressure Release Next Door Ebony

Pressure Release Next Door Ebony

On a lazy afternoon, Mike shows up to meet his friend, Brock Avery, at Brock's apartment downtown. The two have been pals only for a short time. Brock is unaware that Mike is very open with his body. And Mike is unaware that Brock has an insatiable appetite for large, Ebony cock. When Brock reenters the living room, only in a towel, fresh from a shower, he finds Mike jerking his fat, thick meat. Brock is surprised at first, and watches from behind a doorway. After a few moments, Brock's mouth is watering. He reveals himself and asks if Mike would like some help getting off. Of course, Mike likes the idea and allows Brock to come over and wrap his mouth around the throbbing dick. After some deep, intense sucking, Mike bends Brock over and pushes his enormous erection into Brock's ass. Come join the action and watch Mike and Brock turn this mundane afternoon into an occasion to remember. Featuring Brock Avery, Mike Mann.
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