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Jessy Ares Extended Alpha Male Fuckers

Jessy Ares Extended Alpha Male Fuckers

There's only a few things that can fix a bad day. Having a wank right after clocking off is one of those. Jessy didn't even wait to get home. His cock had been rock hard all day. He feels the rough material rubbing on the head of his cock. He lets it out and keeps the fabric wrapped around his cock to heighten the feeling. Rough is so good he slots his cock in another overall and literally fucks the locker. Jessy sits down, indulges in a more classic wank but the space between the wooden slats of his bench look just big enough to fit his cock through... Jessy really goes for it and fucks anything available that will help him release the tension. He turns around, lay on his back and finally convulses from the orgasm and spews a thick load that slowly drips off his cock. The day is truly over, time to hit the showers and go home. Video Title: Jessy Ares
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  Title: Jessy Ares Extended Alpha Male Fuckers

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