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Wolf and Alex Icon Male

Wolf and Alex Icon Male

Wolf Hudson, Connor Maguire and Alexander Greene are hanging out and shooting the shit together like friends do. Connor mentions that his dad is getting remarried to a woman with a son, and they're moving into his place on the weekend, but he hasn't met them yet. He leaves to go and help his dad get the house ready. Wolf and Alex are left to their own devices and immediately start making out and rubbing their hands all over each other. They take their passion up to the bedroom and soon Wolf's cock is in Alex's hands. The guys get fully undressed and Alex starts bobbing up and down on Wolf's shaft, lubing it up with his spit. Wolf teases Alex by licking his nipples. Then the boys spoon on their side and Wolf starts fucking his friend and kissing him at the same time. The guys flip over and Alex gets a turn to fuck his friend while stroking his dick. Wolf grunts as he cums on Alex while getting fucked. Featuring Wolf Hudson, Alex Greene. Full title: Brothers, Scene 1
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  Title: Wolf and Alex Icon Male

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