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Franco Active Duty

Franco Active Duty

What a nice little taste of variety this young man is! Right from the jump, I was hooked by Franco's urban flair. And I'll admit, by the end, I was thrown for a bit of a loop. Franco came off as a bit shy in the beginning, even standoffish I'd say. But I was sorely wrong! As you can hear from his interacting later in the shoot, with Claude, Franco really hit the ground running with a forward-marching attitude that really blasted this young man right onto my most-anticipated list. This is another fine recruit brought to us by Claude, who's been rounding up strong, virile soldiers in the San Diego area. As I've mentioned before, I lived in San Diego for several years and it's no surprise Claude has been so successful! Franco has a very down-to-earth vibe. He's real, he's raw, and he has a huge, beautiful, uncut cock. Claude tells me Franco is one of the most eager prospective recruits he's ever seen. I've seen enough boys come through to know what that means...we'll get to experience Franco push a lot of his limits to the very edge, and I'd bet he's gonna have a blast doing it! Franco gets going and really works up to a strong beat. His physical power is so evident as he tugs his swollen cock. His rhythm and force become extremely intense as he gets lost the experience. Let's keep our eyes peeled and our senses heightened in anticipation of Franco's return. This recruit is going places. Featuring Franco.
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