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Mark Coxx Solo Bulldog Pit

Mark Coxx Solo Bulldog Pit

Mark is left alone and he hears a voice that tells him he has to play a game and that there is someone in the room with him he can't see. The masked man touches Mark and starts to get his ass loose with his fingers. They take out some toys. Mark's hole is drilled harder, faster, deeper. He is then asked to pick a card: it's blue and he gets to control the toy action himself. The masked man unties him and allows Mark to sit on the toy. After Mark has really stretched his hole deep and wide he is asked if he wants to cum; he picks a card it's red. They tie his arms behind his back so he can't wank and the masked man edges him till he's about to cum. Pick a card. It's red. He is stopped from cumming and the masked man plays with his nipples. Then the wanking starts again. Each time Mark is asked to pick a card until he gets a blue one and is allowed to shoot. Title: Mark Coxx Solo
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  Title: Mark Coxx Solo Bulldog Pit

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