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Boner Home Bel Ami Online

Boner Home Bel Ami Online

Today we start with one of our more implausible storylines where Dean Cooper spurns Matt Thurman's early advances in favor of having a shower. While we all know how it is going to end up, it is fun to watch Dean as he pretends to be disinterested in his buddy's best efforts at seduction. Not deterred, Matt quickly follows Dean into the shower, where he seems to be much more receptive and the action can really begin. All fresh and clean, the oral part of this scene takes place in the shower, with water streaming down their toned bodies as they take turns sucking each other's hard cocks. Back in the bedroom is where the fun really starts, with Matt making a feast of Dean's hair butt before finally sliding his boner home into his buddy's waiting ass. Featuring Matt Thurman (aka Martin Hovor), Dean Cooper.
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