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Sexual Match Freshmen

Sexual Match Freshmen

We were so happy when we found the video of this amazing pairing in our archive. Alan Cartier and Hans Lagerfeld are the perfect sexual match. Alan has grown into a more dominant lover whereas Hans likes to be submissive. Alan has planned this encounter really well and luckily for him, Hans agrees to skip class and spend some time with Alan instead of his classmates. The dark-haired rascal seduces our blond angelic Hans and gives him a nice intense blowjob before Hans returns the favour. Hans' ass is soon ready for penetration. The couple enjoy every moment together and the deeper Alan thrusts, the closer Hans gets to orgasm. The bottom boy cums first and is soon followed by Alan who rewards his partner's ass with a generous dollop of cum. Featuring Hans Lagerfeld, Alan Cartier.
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