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The Old Man Bel Ami Online

The Old Man Bel Ami Online

Not many guys sustain such a long career at Bel Ami and still remain as adamantly 'top' as Riff Dornan. Riff first graced our screens 5 years ago with his debut scene fucking Kieran Benning and he is back again today working his magic on Felix Dowoni, who started his work with us just last year. Despite being the 'old man' of Bel Ami, Riff maintains all the sexiness he had when he first started as evidenced right from the start of this scene when we join him for a bit of a bubble bath and glass of wine. Soon he is joined by our twinky red-head, who is obviously horny and in search of some satisfaction that Riff is more than happy to provide. The guys start with the foreplay with Riff still in the tub, but move back to the living room where the main action begins. Felix has no problem taking all of Riff's big cock and relishes every opportunity to slide it all the way up inside himself until he shoots a massive load of thick and creamy cum with Riff still embedded deep inside. Featuring Riff Dornan, Felix Dowoni (aka Harry Davis).
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