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Hard Training The Bro Network

Hard Training The Bro Network

There's nothing like a little bit of playful competition, and platoon mates Drew Dixon and Tony D'Angelo are constantly out-doing one another. Their toned muscular bodies ripple in the sunlight as they race through the woods on the base, do burpees, and show each other up. Their next tour of duty is just around the corner and they have to keep fit. For Tony, another tour means another round of celibacy, but Drew knows there are plenty of other options. Once back in the barracks and Tony has had a chance to think about what his buddy said, he propositions Drew, who clarifies his intentions. The tension between them comes to a head, and Tony kisses the stunning beefcake in front of him before giving his hole a run for his money. Tony is feeling a little pent-up aggression and takes out his frustration on Drew's hard muscular ass. Featuring Drew Dixon, Tony DAngelo. Original release date: May 25th, 2023.
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