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Gavin and Jack Touch That Boy

Gavin and Jack Touch That Boy

It's been a little over three months since I've seen my step-cousin, Gavin, in person. I've been so busy with school and work that I couldn't find the time to hang out. We stayed connected via video calls, but that wasn't enough. So when he told me he wanted to give me a massage the next time I'm in his hood, I dropped everthything and ran right over. I took a shower and joined Gavin on the couch. Some might call us kissing cousins because we met before we were family and had a fling. But now, I was naked on his sofa, face down, while he rubbed lotion all over my back and legs. It felt so nice. I forgotten how great his touch was. Then he started playing with my hole, and that's when the fun started. I miss him fucking me, so his finger was just a tease. Then he flipped me over and sucked my cock until I came. I need to get over there more often, for sure. Featuring Gavin Becerra, Jack Moon (aka Brigham Sterne). Original title: Gavin Becerra and Jack Moon. Original release date: June 16th, 2022.
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