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Watching Him Bring Me a Boy

Watching Him Bring Me a Boy

I love it when my stepson, Karol, does his social media stuff. He's been working hard on making his way in the world, and I couldn't be prouder, especially since he loves showing all the boys his cock. I stepped out of the shower during a trip we took together and found Karol taking nude pics of himself on the bed. I was turned on and walked over to him. He didn't see me watching him, and I startled him, but my cock was hard, and he knew what daddy wanted. Karol put his mouth right on it as he was trained to do. Then he bent over and showed me his ass. My boy loves how my thick cock slowly fills and expands his hole. I love how it grips my meat. We both shot our loads and took a nap together. Featuring Den Fitness, Karol Gadja (aka Karol Gajda). Original title: Watching My Boy. Original release date: May 12th, 2023.
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