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Boy Pump Southern Strokes

Boy Pump Southern Strokes

We know you love Oliver Morgenson over here at Southern Strokes, so we hope you enjoy this scene of his from our new site BRING ME A BOY! Oliver Morgenson wants to work out. Who better to help him out than stepdad Dave London, who owns a gym? When the day finally arrives, Oliver is there even before his stepdad. Dave, who loves enthusiasm as much as he loves twinks, gets turned on by the boy's self-motivation. The training session, however, soon turns into mutual cock sucking and progresses from there. In the end, all pun intended, young Oliver gets pumped in more ways than one, taking Dave's cock and both release their pent-up lust. Featuring Dave London, Oliver Morgenson (aka Rob Bisset). Original release date: February 19th, 2020.
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