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Going Down Southern Strokes

Going Down Southern Strokes

Taylor Mason is Jack Flynn's new neighbor. Jack gets boned every time he thinks of getting into Taylor's pants but hesitates because his English isn't what he would like it to be. Then again, Taylor doesn't speak Jack's language, either. There is, however, one language they both share and speak fluently... Sex. Jack bites the bullet and goes for it. He waits for Taylor in the lobby, one hand down his sweatpants. And when Taylor gets off the elevator, Jack grabs the boy and, kissing the entire way, walk up the stairs, and into Jack's place. There, the twinks continue to make out. They strip down, then take turns sucking each other. Jack flips Taylor onto his belly, eats out his hole, and primes it full of spit. The horny, uncut top then slides his large cock inside Taylor. After fucking the cum out of his new neighbor, Jack pulls out and splatters an enormous load all over Taylor's face and chest. All without ever saying a word. Guess that's one way to welcome a newcomer to the building! Featuring Jack Flynn, Taylor Mason. Original release date: February 26th, 2020.
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