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Model Bottom Southern Strokes

Model Bottom Southern Strokes

Alex got a new phone and asked me if I could take some photos for him. I'm not the best photographer, but I've known Alex since the second grade. We were on the swim team, so I know his body pretty well. I took his photo while he posed on the couch. He grabbed the phone from me, and that was when we started kissing. We stripped down, and I got his dick into my mouth. This was our first time playing, but I've wanted it for a long time. Alex dropped to his knees and started sucking on my tool. I put him on the couch and had to find out what his ass tasted like. It was delicious, but I wanted to feel inside his hole. My cock was hard, and I slid it into his warm ass. It was my first time fucking a guy since summer camp a few years ago. I'll never wait that long again. Featuring Rimi Morty, Alex Blade. Original release date: January 6th, 2023.
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