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Revenge Fuck Bel Ami Online

Revenge Fuck Bel Ami Online

Both of our models today have full-time jobs with Bel Ami outside of being in front of the camera. Tom works as a documentary cameraman filming our 'On the set' material and Helmut is a bit of a jack-of-all-trades helping out wherever he is needed, so it is almost inevitable that they have hooked up several times. The last time they were together that wasn't a group scene was last year, but we think this scene, filmed in Africa, is the better of the pair. Although this is kind of a 'revenge fuck' (Jerome is 2 hours late getting home, so Helmut thinks the delay entitles him to fuck anyone else), it is the sweetest and most loving 'revenge fuck' that we've ever seen. Featuring Helmut Huxley, Tom Houston.
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