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What Needs Disruptive Films

What Needs Disruptive Films

Otto Sykes (Tony Genius) and Callum Vance (Carter Woods) are CIA agents, but one of them has gone bad. When the powers that be realize Callum has sold state secrets to nefarious , they know that something needs to be done. They enlist Otto Sykes, Callum's undercover lover, to do what needs to be done to keep Callum's mouth shut...forever. Casey Hope (Adrian Hart) is a rising star in his political party. When he's invited to move into a house with other up-and-comers, he jumps at the chance. Veteran politician Seth Undergarten (Devin Franco) shows Casey the ropes and indoctrinates him into the strange world of political power in What Needs to be Done. Full title: What Needs to be Done. Featuring Adrian Hart, Carter Woods, Devin Franco, Tony Genius. From the film: What Needs to be Done.
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