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Studs in Lust Japan Boyz

Studs in Lust Japan Boyz

Akira is becoming the go-to guy around Japan Boyz. He's the first model we go to to introduce a new model to the XXXciting world of performing sex online, and now he's showing his versatility, in an important way. Kaorunnis not known for his aggressive topping skills, but here's his chance to plow Akira and show what a horny Asian stud can do. They begin with the usual kisses and nip nibbles, then slide down into hot juicy oral in both directions. Kaorunnslips a slick finger into Akira's hot smooth ass, and realizes here's his chance to give the veteran Japanboy the fuck he just realized he wants. Akira isn't shy or quiet letting the world know when he's the most turned on or heated up. From the time Kaorunndrills his cock in, Akira's moans and howls show how much he's enjoying every deep thrust. That just spurs Kaorunnon to deeper rougher ass-pumping action. As things grow too hot to hold back, Akira lets his nuts churn out a thick creamy wad that drizzles down his palm onto his lean waist. Then it's time to help show Kaorunnthe appreciation, and Akira cuddles close as Kaorunnrocks back and lets a few strokes get him to a geyser of a hot cum shot. Original title: Asian Studs in Lust. Original release date: February 20th, 2024.
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  Title: Studs in Lust Japan Boyz

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