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Outta Here Jerk Buddies

Outta Here Jerk Buddies

Cristiano, an office intern, eagerly sneaks into an office meeting room, closing the door behind him. But he's startled when he sees a fellow intern, Derek Kage, already in the room. Derek is startled as well, especially since he's been caught with his dick out! Both men squabble at the other being in the room, revealing that both of them have been sneaking in here on lunch breaks to bust a quick nut. This meeting room is one of the only rooms in the office that nobody ever seems to book around this time of day, so they each thought it was the perfect spot for some alone time to relieve some stress... until today. Neither wants to give up their territory, but as they squabble, they realize that time is ticking away and that mutual cooperation might be needed to get what they both want. Full title: Get Outta Here Dude, This Room's Taken. Note: Jerk Buddies is part of the Adult Time Network. Featuring Cristiano, Derek Kage. Original release date: October 1st, 2023.
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