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Sex Lessons Freshmen

Sex Lessons Freshmen

Ashton Montana and Viggo Sorensen had quite a moment back in issue 396. In today's follow-up we catch Viggo dashing out to his camera job. Before he can leave however, he meets sexy Joe Angelli coming in. Suddenly all he cares about is undressing this sexy new guy and maybe giving him some lessons in group sex. Ashton and Viggo take Joe to the couch and soon all three are passionately making out. Joe's dick is ready for action in an instant so our two experienced boys immediately put their oral skills to use. Joe loves it as the two guys share his cock. After Joe demonstrates his own oral skills, Ashton decides to offer his hole again for some team play. Viggo and Joe share Ashton's sexy butt and then Viggo's decides to get fucked by the newbie as well. Joe's dick brings Viggo to a crashing anal orgasm. Joe and Ashton then land cumshuts over Viggo. We can only hope that a fourth boy could walk in so that the plot can continue. Featuring Ashton Montana, Joe Angelli, Viggo Sorensen.
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