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Warm Hole Gay Empire

Warm Hole Gay Empire

They're young, they're horny, and they've got a taste for cock like nobody else. Little wonder that they're warming up their holes ready for Warm-Up Your Hole for Me; with Kenny White, Sam Blue and George Key teaming up for the kind of youthful adventure that will live long in the memory. Of course, if you were blessed with the kind of equipment between the legs that these boys have then you'd probably be just like them; living for dick, and with a craving for spunk that's nigh on addictive. All of which makes for the kind of high octane drama that you kinky wankers are just gonna love; with a bit of hot wax and leather collared fun only adding to the heat. In short, a top notch, five star bonanza that will leave you totally drained. Full title: Warm-Up Your Hole for Me. Produced by: Twink Heritage. Featuring Bastien Totti, Bogi Folat, George Key, Kenny White, Marcus Diessel, Martin Eaten (aka Karel Grusser), Sam Blue, Victor.
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