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Sex Gods Volume 2 Gay Empire

Sex Gods Volume 2 Gay Empire

You like your porn models to look like Greek gods? Then you're in for a treat here with a second instalment of first class male idolatry, Gods, Sex and Lovers Vol. 2. There's no attempt to disguise the fact that this is remastered material; but when the lads are as handsome and horny as the boys here, who's to complain? Featuring Giovanni Luca, Owen Thijme and Anton Elsinski, this is one trip down memory lane that we know thousands of guys across the world will want to take; as this stunning collection of dick-obsessed beauties quite literally suck and fuck themselves senseless both indoors and out. Resulting, not at all surprisingly, in a flood of spunk that leaves every one of these adonises literally drenched. Full title: Gods, Sex and Lovers Volume 2. Produced by: Twink Heritage. Featuring Alexanter Delos, Anatol Borinski, Andras Csortan, Anton Elsinski, Balu, Gino Ferrara, Giovanni Lucca, Janos Balczik, Owen Thijme.
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