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Cock Seduction Scene 5 Naked Sword

Cock Seduction Scene 5 Naked Sword

People get seduced all the time. Flowers, presents, and compliments all make for first-class seduction tools, but these guys have the monopoly on cajolery and temptation with their Cock Seduction. A knowing wink and a soft touch is enough to get the juices flowing and hearts pounding in anticipation of a little loving with a handsome guy. It's as easy as that. These men can't get enough of the taste of one another, licking, sucking and kissing everywhere they can until they are ready to give their smooth peachy bums a real workout with acrobatic acts that will make your head spin. Produced by: Young and Restless. Featuring Timmy Taylor, Loui Eshby, Dan Steele (aka Benito Moss). From the film: Cock Seduction.
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