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Happy Calan Corbin Fisher

Happy Calan Corbin Fisher

Poor Calan has himself a stiff neck as the cameras get rolling and the action gets started here, and Oakley generously offers to fuck him deep, hard, and to fix that for him! Listen... I'm not a doctor but clearly Oakley's remedy for a stiff neck does the trick as Calan's feeling perfectly fine by the end of this one! Calan really does get the royal treatment here -- some sensual massage action, his stiff dick getting sucked and licked, his hole getting tongued, his body caressed, then ass deep-dicked. I'd imagine these are cures for whatever might ail ya, so long as Oakley's the one working you over! Oakley had mentioned he's more of a bottom when we first met him, but I think he was selling his top skills short as Calan sure seems to love every single bit of having Oakley's stiff dick pumping his hole -- and it cured his stiff neck! Full title: Calan's Happy Ending. Featuring Calan (aka James Cassidy), Oakley.
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  Title: Happy Calan Corbin Fisher

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