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Tony Pumps Eli Corbin Fisher

Tony Pumps Eli Corbin Fisher

We all universally loved Tony the instant he appeared on CF so the only question left outstanding was whether we'd get to see this young hot freshman fuck. Thankfully we didn't have to wait long for the answer to that question, and thankfully as well we now get to see this sexy stud in action with Eli! Tony's as hot to watch in action as we all imagined he'd be -- that tight, toned, swimmer's build going at it, driving his big uncut dick into a fellow CF stud's tight hole. Something particularly hot about seeing Tony in action here is just how horned up and ready he was from the very start! Even before the cameras got rolling, his 18 year old cock was rockhard and straining the fabric of his underwear. Eli had a place for Tony to stick that stiff cock of his, and it wasn't too long before Eli was bent over with his ass in the air getting drilled deep by Tony's hard dick. Tony's youthful stamina and steady drilling certainly seems to do the trick for Eli, who blasts out a load while Tony pumps his hole, followed shortly thereafter by Eli feeding on Tony's big load! Featuring Tony, Eli.
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