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Jeison with Raider Badpuppy

Jeison with Raider Badpuppy

Southern Strokes on Badpuppy with Col Raider and Mike Jeison: It's been a few years since I last spent any alone time with my stepbrother Col. We both moved away from home for school and are now just finding the chance to fuck like we used to when we were younger. We went into our old room and closed the door. We didn't wake anyone, so we had to be quiet. I started rubbing on his cock before we started stripping off our clothes and licking each other's bodies. That's when I got my hands on his ass. Col knew where he needed to be and bent over so I could eat his hole a little. I continued fingering and teasing his hole while he mouth went to work on my cock. I sucked Col before licking his hole again and taking it for a joyride around the block. I love fucking Col. Featuring Col Raider, Mike Jeison. Original release date: May 14th, 2024.
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