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Finn Intro Corbin Fisher

Finn Intro Corbin Fisher

Finn appearing here at CF is a fine example of things working out wonderfully and pleasant surprises happening - just as he's a fine example of a horny young college hottie! I'd actually spotted Finn online some time ago and thought to myself, "He's hot!". I think, in fact, I'd first spotted him in a picture Tyler had posted online. For some reason it never occurred to me to reach out, but Tyler ended up telling Finn about what a great time he was having at CF and how much he was enjoying filming episodes and getting into action with the guys here that Finn took the initiative and reached out to us. I was immediately thrilled at the prospect of getting this hottie in front of our cameras, and you can see why in Finn's introductory solo! Finn has himself a darn near flawless physique, and you can tell he spends a lot of time working out and takes fitness very seriously. Finn had to earn that flawless body, though - he grew up a bit of a skinny kid, so made the decision to change that and has been dedicated and committed to working out ever since. Finn's also committed to having himself tons of fun on camera, and now all of us here are committed to making that happen! So let's see what kind of trouble we can get Finn into! Full title: Finn. Featuring Finn (aka Finn August).
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  Title: Finn Intro Corbin Fisher

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