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Happy Ending Corbin Fisher

Happy Ending Corbin Fisher

Rocky's cock most definitely works magic, as Wyatt will be the first to tell you after this one. Wyatt mentioned he was a bit wary of taking on too big a dick, agreeing to give bottoming ago but fairly convinced he wouldn't be able to handle too many stiff inches in his ass. Once Rocky started sliding inch after inch of his hard dick into Wyatt's ass, though, Wyatt's obviously hooked and doesn't only manage to take Rocky's cock inside him but clearly seems to crave having it inside him and crave letting Rocky pound him good. Of course, Rocky getting Wyatt's hole prepped during the massage that leads to the action here certainly must have helped. Rocky's strong hands and fingers got Wyatt worked up and his hole twitching for some dick. And once Rocky starts pounding away, Wyatt's moaning like we've never heard him moan before, and his own dick is totally stuff despite barely touching it (he'd rather run his hands all over Rocky's hot body than his own cock!). Rocky's converted another one! Full title: Wyatt's Happy Ending. Featuring Wyatt (aka Kane Hardy), Rocky.
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  Title: Happy Ending Corbin Fisher

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