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Fuck Dallen Corbin Fisher

Fuck Dallen Corbin Fisher

Dallen landed at CF ready to explore, try out new things, and expand his sexual horizons. We all know he most certainly came to the right place, and we were more than happy to help make all of that happen for him. Liam, in particular, was very happy to be the one to break Dallen in and show this handsome young stud just how fun action with another guy can be. We've all seen just how intense, passionate, and playful Liam is in bed and what a skilled sexual partner he is, so he was the perfect partner to leave Dallen with absolutely no doubt whatsoever sex with another young stud can blow your mind. Liam had a trick up his sleeve (or down his pants, we should say) to blow Dallen's mind, though - he was gonna throw Dallen into the deep-end, so to speak, and fuck the young curious stud with that big, uncut dick of his! Once we're all through being profoundly jealous of Dallen getting to experience all this for the first time with so hot and skilled a sexual partner as Liam, we can just sit back and live vicariously through him as he gets to gag on Liam's dick, have Liam tease his hole, get thrown around the bed a bit by Liam, then eventually find himself getting relentlessly railed by Liam's hot cock. We also get to see just how fun this entire experience is for Liam, let loose to rock a young stud's world and be a handsome and horny young newcomer's first. Dallen was sexy enough when stripping down and stroking off in a solo, but seeing and hearing him give up his hole shows him at his sexiest! Full title: Fucking Dallen. Featuring Dallen, Liam.
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  Title: Fuck Dallen Corbin Fisher

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