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With a Toy Corbin Fisher

With a Toy Corbin Fisher

Damien's a confident, fit, athletic, handsome stud who is very much at home at CF and in front of the cameras. A stand-out track athlete throughout school, you can really tell Damien loves running and competitive sports while he's talking about them during his introductory solo - he gets animated, is passionate about it, and it's really hot seeing just how into it he all is! Speaking of things Damien's really into, his enthusiasm for track and running (and sports in general, really) is matched only by his enthusiasm for getting worked up on camera and busting a load for all of us. Damien brought his new, favorite toy along for his introductory solo and if this is a preview for just how much Damien loves to fuck a tight hole, I think we might be in for some real fun with him in the future! Full title: Damien Came with a Toy. Featuring Damien.
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  Title: With a Toy Corbin Fisher

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