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Hot Foursome Badpuppy

Hot Foursome Badpuppy

Sean Duran, Scott DeMarco, Chase Klein, and Fernando Del Rio on Badpuppy: Have you ever been in the middle of an orgy? If you have, then you will know the scent of lust this hot foursome gave off during filming. Sean, Scott, Chase, and Fernando reeked with desire as they made out and took turns sucking cock, trading back and forth. Tattooed muscle hunk Sean is the first to get some dick up his ass, fucked by Chase. And as Chase slams his huge cock inside Sean, in the same bed, we are treated to the most beautiful sight... the underside of Scott's huge cock, as he takes Fernando. Sean then takes center stage, getting stretched, stuffed and pounded by Scott, while the other two look on. But Sean cannot get enough cock and ends up taking Chase once more while, beside him, Scott fucks Fernando . Chase spews all over Sean's ass then seeds the muscle hunk, fucking the cum out of Sean. Moments later, Scott erupts, filling Fernando with DNA, which causes the hairy, bearded bottom to unload with even more creamy stuff. Featuring Sean Duran, Scott DeMarco, Chase Klein, Fernando Del Rio. Original release date: December 28th, 2024.
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  Title: Hot Foursome Badpuppy

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