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Pierced Skater Broke Straight Boys

Pierced Skater Broke Straight Boys

The sizzling showcase of gay for pay performers starts off with Atlas and Archie kissing intimately. Archie has on Green boxers, whereas Atlas is wearing plaid textured underwear. Before long their arousal grows from making out and fondling each other. Archie makes a move and removes Atlas' underwear in order to give a blow job. Wet lips and hard cock meet during their passionate encounter. Atlas has many artistic piercings and tattoos that pay homage to his interest in visual and body arts. Horny and ready for action the guys switch things up as Archie gets fully nude. Atlas gives oral sex to his buddy's throbbing shaft. Deep-throat skills make Atlas a sure contender. Some boys just know how to get freaky in the bedroom. Moans of pleasure echo around the room. After a few moments the carnal intensity rages into rim jobs. Archie gives Atlas a tongue lashing right onto his tight anal entrance. At last Archie slides his big hard length inside the round firm ass . In and out they fuck mercilessly on the futon. Atlas' face turns blush red from the sexual interactions. Pumping penetrations bring about ultimate pleasure. Full title: Pierced Skater Dude Pounded Hardcore. Featuring Archie Paige, Atlas Steele.
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