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Str8guys Butch Dixon

Str8guys Butch Dixon

Ted Colunga, Paddy OBrian, Chris Summers (aka Austin Rogers), Andy Lee, Fabricio and more. You all know by now that I'm all about filming gay men enjoying hot man-on-man sex, but that doesn't mean I'll turn away a guy who looks amazing, just because he likes girls, I'd be mad not to want to bring you man like Fabricio with his stunning body and great personality, Ted Colunga's hugeness, including that battering ram of an uncut cock, isn't to be missed because he has a girlfriend, and with Ted, as with Paddy, we know 'straight' is a fluid concept. Let's face it, a hot guy is a hot guy and I'm going to grab as many as I can for my members, it's my duty! Here's a selection of guys who identify as straight...up close and intimate. Title: Str8guys
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